• 13 Feb 2025
  • 09:57 AM IST
 +91 9443844651


Rural Training Center


Sponsered By


Speech of Chief General Manager,

NABARD, Regional Office, Chennai


R.Shankar Narayan
Chief General Manager
NABARD, TN, Regional Office, Chennai

The Rural Training Centre (RTC), Amaravathipudur, Karaikudi, jointly promoted bythreeBanksviz., NABARD, Indian Overseas Bank and Indian Bank has been a pioneer in skill development and itis in the 19thyear of its establishment .

Since its inception in July 2005, RTC has conducted 648 training programs, imparting skill and knowledge to 16268 rural youth and ensuring sustainable livelihoods as on 31 March 2023. 55 training programs covering 977candidates was successfully completedintheyear2022-23.

likepaint and coats for corrosion and protection, Decorative painters, Marine Painters and Cathodic protection and pipeline corrosion etc., were introducedovertheyears.

College in Devakottai for providing skill development training for the students of the college.Further, RTC has been providing the credit linkage through banks for interested trainees those who are trained.

I commend the staff of RTC Karaikudi, Senior Bank Executives on the Board ofGoverningCouncil,SponsorBanks,GovernmentDepartments, Resource Persons andwish thatRTC will continutba training hub par-excellence.

I wish that the ensuing years will turn out to be a milestone year in the history of RTC, for setting benchmark in terms of entrepreneurship development programs, pedagogy and settlement rates. Needless to say, skill development training programs can play a catalytic role in up scaling term lending and therefore needs to be persuaded in all seriousness by the Rural Training Centre.


Annual General Body Meet (2022-23) on 20th March 2024

RTC Annual Report 2022-2023 release

The meeting was presided overby Shri.Shankar Narayan, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Tamil Nadu Regional office, Chennai in the presence of Shri M.Mohan, General Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, Central Office, Chennai and Shri Somasundaram, Deputy General Manager, NABARD, Tamil Nadu Regional office, Chennai and Shri Pala Pratapa Reddy, Chief Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, Central Office, Chennai through Online mode. And the other members of Shri N.Sathish Kumar, Senior Regional Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, Regional Office, Karaikudi, Shri G.Dhamotharan, Zonal Manager, Zonal Office, Karaikudi, Shri Arun Kumar. K, District Development Manager, NABARD, Ramanathapuram District, Shri A.Ezhilarasan, Chief Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, Regional Office, Karaikudi, Shri S.Pravinkumar, Nodal officer(FI), Indian Overseas Bank, Regional Office, Karaikudi, Shri B.Pushparajan, Manager–FI Dept, Indian Bank, Zonal Office, Karaikudi, Shri P.Venkatachalam, Charted Accountant&Auditor, Karaikudi attended the meeting at RTC, Amaravathipudur, Karaikudi.
